
Send and Receive emails within Greenboard

SMS within Greenboard

Send and Receive text messages within Greenboard


Measure close ratio, profitability, sales associate activity, and many others

Bulk eMail

Send emails to multiple clients simultaneously


Create a multi-step sequence of emails to be sent on a user defined schedule

Lead Sources

Easily track where your clients are coming from

LiveChat Two Way Integration

LiveChat transcripts connected to Greenboard and customer info available in real time when chatting

Screen Pop Real Time Alerts

Customer record automatically opens on a computer as a call is coming in

Lead Scoring

Prioritize clients based on their likelihood to buy

Lead info on Caller ID

See customer info before picking up the phone

Call Recording

Record incoming and outgoing calls

POS Connection

Bring in sales data to enhance sales team efficiency and performance

Website session history

Let your sales associates know which pages clients visited and how much time they spent on each page

Lead Owner

Split up leads by sales associates

Manager View

Special permissions for store managers

Custom Views

Create filters to quickly find groups of similar clients

Custom Templates for eMail

Customize eMail templates to save time on re-typing emails

Custom Templates for SMS

Customize text message templates to save on re-typing text messages

Template Sharing

Create templates to be used by everyone

Private Templates

Create private templates to be used only by one person

Use own domain for eMail

Greenboard eMails are sent from the same domain as all other company email

Email Scraping

Scrape email to create leads from various sources such as web inquiries

Unlimited Number of Leads

No extra charge for high lead generating stores


Search any record for any data point

Activity Log

Track everyone’s activity

Click to Call

Integrate with a soft phone so a sales associate can dial a phone number with one click

Use own logo

Greenboard will be branded with your company’s logo.

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